Second year project

MediaTek Formation


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MediaTek86's Network

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MediaTek86 is a network that gathers every managers of libraries from the department of Vienne (86), in France. As their network is growing, MediaTek86 called InfoTech Service 86 (ITS86) to develop their softwares.

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ITS86 is an IT company that provides services such as : website and software development, web hosting, cloud solution and IT maintenance.

As a web developer junior, I'll be in charge of the web application development. ITS86's team will be a great support throughout the project.

Web application

MediaTek Formation

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MediaTek Management provides programming courses to all users. The main features we added are : a new information can be added we can specify the level of the course and a login form to access the dashboard for admin users. Admin users can manage courses and levels.


Second year project (PPE)

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PPE stands for "Projet Personnalisé Encadré" in French.
As part of my second year in Computer Science, I've implemented new features to an existing web application. You can check my work by downloading the PDF or check the app! Link of the website : MediaTek Formation

Related documents :
Download Contexte
Download Dossier Documentaire
View Documentation Technique